
Latisse®is an FDA-approved eyelash-enhancing ophthalmic solution for people with inadequate eyelashes. It increases the growth cycle of the eyelashes and generates longer, thicker, darker and fluttery eyelashes.

What Is Latisse?

Latisse® is a prescription treatment for inadequate or not enough eyelashes. It contains bimatoprost, the same active ingredient that is in the glaucoma drug Lumigan. It is applied once-a-night on the roots or base of the eyelashes. Although results may vary from patient to patient, most patients see the gradual results in as few as 4-8 weeks and 12- 16 weeks for fuller results. Once you begin treatment, ongoing application of Latisse® is recommended for best results and to keep its effects in place.

How Latisse Works?

Before applying the product, you have to remove your contact lenses and make sure that your eye area is clean and free of any make-up. You will be provided with a special applicator to apply Latisse® to the roots of your upper eyelashes. It is recommended to apply Latisse® at night, before going to bed.

Here are some of the key benefits of using Latisse®

  • It is an easy at-home treatment

  • It is proven to you fuller, darker, and longer eyelashes

  • You will see significant results in as little as eight weeks

  • It is proven to be safe and effective

  • It is approved by the FDA

What To Expect?

After your initial consultation at Premier Medical Aesthetix, your will determine whether or not Latisse® is right for you. Some patients experience side effects like skin hyperpigmentation, itchiness, and eye redness. These side effects are temporary and are more likely to happen if the product is not properly applied. Expect full results within 12- 16 weeks. The results are not permanent and once you stop application, your eyelashes will gradually return to how they were before you started using Latisse®. In order to maintain the effects of Latisse®, continued treatment is required.

Contact Premier Medical Aesthetix at (949) 388-7450 to know more about Latisse® and other cosmetic treatments.

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